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IDSA and HIVMA Board Elections Underway Now Through July 21

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On June 16, all voting members of IDSA and HIVMA should have received an electronic ballot via email for the IDSA and HIVMA Board elections. If you did not receive your ballot, which was sent via our third party voting management firm, Election Services, please check your spam folder. Please email us with any questions. 


Process Will Advance Inclusion, Diversity, Access and Equity Goals

Elections for the IDSA and HIVMA Boards of Directors are now underway using a process designed to ensure that the Society’s leadership represents the full diversity of its membership. Our definition of diversity is broad and includes race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, geographic location, type of practice setting or activity, such as clinical vs. nonclinical, and other factors.

Rooted in the Society’s principles of inclusion, diversity, access and equity, the slate-based election will provide members the opportunity to vote yay or nay on a group of highly qualified and diverse candidates recruited and vetted by IDSA’s and HIVMA’s Leadership Development Committees. This process was approved after a bylaws change in 2020 and is one being used by societies committed to the principles of IDA&E.

During a call for officer and director applications, which ran from March 14 to April 12, we received a significant number of applications for IDSA and HIVMA officer positions by actively recruiting members and being more transparent with the recruitment and review process. This process included the creation of a model representing the desired attributes of volunteers serving in various roles. The Leadership Development Committees were then charged with selecting the best candidates and a diverse group who could most effectively lead the Society and HIVMA.

On June 16, all voting members will receive via email an electronic ballot for both the IDSA and HIVMA elections with the subject line “2023 IDSA/HIVMA Elections.”

The IDSA section of the ballot includes one slate of candidates for four open positions — the vice president and three directors. The HIVMA section of the ballot includes one slate of candidates for six open positions — the vice chair and five director seats. Members are being asked to vote yes or no on each slate.

Biographical sketches and personal statements for the candidates are posted on this page and are also being provided via email. 

Voting will be open from June 16 through July 21 at 5 p.m. ET.
Thank you in advance for voting. Your participation is an important way to influence the future direction of IDSA and HIVMA.

IDSA Biographical Sketches and Personal Statement

HIVMA Biographical Sketches and Personal Statement

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