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New Slate of IDSA/HIVMA Leaders to be Installed Following IDWeek 2023

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Elections and Marrazzo NIAID Appointment Bring in New IDSA Board Members

IDSA and HIVMA voting members overwhelmingly approved a highly qualified and diverse slate of candidates representing private practice, clinical research, medical education, local government and military practice settings to serve on the IDSA and HIVMA Boards of Directors. The election ran from June 26 through July 17.

The new officers elected by the IDSA membership who will begin their roles following IDWeek 2023 in October include:


Matifadza Hlatshwayo Davis, MD, MPH
St. Louis, MO
Director (3-year term)


Kami Kim, MD, FIDSA
Tampa, FL
Director (3-year term) 


Heather Yun, MD, FIDSA
San Antonio, TX
Director (3-year term) 

The IDSA membership also elected current treasurer Jeanne M Marrazzo, MD, FIDSA, to the position of vice president. Shortly following the IDSA election, Dr. Marrazzo was selected as the new Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This new role will require Dr. Marrazzo to resign from IDSA leadership following IDWeek 2023, leaving vacancies for both the treasurer and vice president positions. 

In accordance with the IDSA Bylaws, the Board of Directors approved a slate of appointees recommended by the Leadership Development Committee to fill these vacancies. This included elevating a current director to the role of treasurer, leaving a vacancy for that director’s remaining term. As a result, the following members will also join the IDSA Board of Directors effective October 16, 2023:


Ronald G. Nahass, MD, FIDSA
Hillsborough, NJ
Vice President (4-year term) 


Maximo O Brito, MD, MPH, FIDSA
Chicago, IL
Treasurer (1-year term)


Robin Dretler, MD, FIDSA
Atlanta, GA
Director (1-year term)  


The new HIVMA Board members who will begin their roles following IDWeek 2023 in October are:

Anna Person, MD, FIDSA
Nashville, TN
Vice Chair (4-year term)

Nicholas Allen, DNP
Seattle, WA
Director (3-year term)


Joseph Cherabie, MD, MSc
St. Louis, MO
Director (3-year term)


Nada Fadul, MD, FIDSA
Omaha, NE
Director (3-year term)


Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH
Columbus, OH
Director (3-year term)


Hansel Tookes III, MD, MPH
Miami, FL
Director (3-year term)

For the fourth year, IDSA and HIVMA conducted a candidate selection and election process designed to ensure that the Society’s leadership represents the full diversity of our membership. Our definition of diversity is broad and includes race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, geographic location, education, type of practice setting or activity, such as clinical vs. non-clinical, and other factors that contribute to our diverse perspectives, work experiences, lifestyles, and cultures.

Rooted in the Society’s principles of inclusion, diversity, access and equity (IDA&E), the slate-based election process was approved after bylaws change in 2020 and is one being used by societies committed to the principles of IDA&E. Candidates were recruited and vetted by IDSA’s and HIVMA’s Leadership Development Committees, respectively.

During a call for applications, which ran from March 14 to April 11, IDSA and HIVMA received a significant number of applications for officer and director positions by actively recruiting members and being transparent with the recruitment and review process. This process included the creation of a model representing the desired attributes of volunteers serving in various roles. The Leadership Development Committees were charged with selecting the best candidates and a diverse group who could most effectively lead IDSA and HIVMA. Learn more in these biographical sketches and personal statements for IDSA and HIVMA officers and directors. Follow IDSA communications in the coming weeks for more information and profiles of the new officers. 

Thank you to those who took part in the election. Your participation is an important way to influence the future direction of IDSA and HIVMA. Please contact IDSA’s Tari McDermand with questions about the IDSA elections, or HIVMA Executive Director Andrea Weddle with questions about the HIVMA elections.

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