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9th European Epidemiology and Public Health Congress

Helsinki, Finland

Euro Epidemiology 2019 is delighted to invite you all to the 9th European Epidemiology and Public Health Congress going to be held in Helsinki, Finland from 29-30 April 2019.

This international European and interdisciplinary conference will act as a forum for public health professionals, nutritionists, epidemiologists, pathologists, Biostatisticians, clinicians, business professionals, policymakers, researchers, academicians, and others to discuss and interchange their knowledge and experience on recent public wellbeing related concepts, encouraging the application of latest methods to study the large disease burden and highlighting existing opportunities in the field of medical evaluation, epidemiology and nutrition.

Euro Epidemiology 2019 brings professionals together from every corner of the world who share a commitment to reduce the global burden of diseases and disorders with the theme “An emerging trans disciplinary and interdisciplinary evaluation” anticipating for a huge number healthcare professionals, working in and beyond Molecular Pathological Epidemiology to share experiences and best practices through invited keynote, plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, and posters covering a wide  range of topics and important issues which affect us all from the research to the experimental implementations.

We hope and expect Euro Epidemiology 2019 theme to inspire a number of researchers and look forward to discussing ideas, findings and synergies, in this International Academic Forum.

We look forward to seeing you at Helsinki, Finland for Euro Epidemiology 2019!

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