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2019 Infectious Diseases Research Careers Meeting

Bethesda, MD

IDSA and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are pleased to cosponsor the eighth annual Infectious Diseases (ID) Research Careers Meeting, designed to help foster the next generation of ID physician scientists. The two-and-a-half day meeting is designed for U.S. ID fellows, residents, and medical students, and is held annually in Bethesda, Maryland. Registration for the 2019 meeting opens on February 7.

If you are an ID fellow, resident, or medical student interested in pursuing a career in ID research, we encourage you to apply to attend the meeting here. If your application is approved, your lodging and travel costs are provided for by IDSA (please note that at this time attendance to this meeting is limited to U.S. fellows, residents, and medical students).

A complete application will include the following: 1) your current CV; 2) a short personal statement regarding your interest in ID research; and 3) a short recommendation from your training program director, mentor, or other faculty member.

The meeting begins Thursday evening with a welcome reception and registration, followed by a keynote address from NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci. A buffet dinner follows where you will be able to mingle and network with other attendees, and interact in an informal setting with faculty members. The following day begins early with breakfast and presentations by visiting faculty highlighting their personal journey from medical school to their current research projects. After lunch, you will have an opportunity to tour the nearby National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus and hear from NIH researchers about their current projects. Previous topics have included: the 2014 Ebola outbreak; influenza research; malaria research; and genomic sequencing of nosocomial pathogens. A busy Friday concludes with dinner and an opportunity to showcase your research to your colleagues and faculty members during an optional poster session. Saturday morning is dedicated to panels on various career development topics, including: grant-writing and publishing; finding a mentor; balancing research, clinical practice, and personal life; and tips on the job search. More information regarding the meeting can be found at www.idresearchcareers.org.

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