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Special isirv-AVG Virtual Conference on ‘Therapeutics for COVID-19’

Online Event,


This conference will address the latest advances in the development of antivirals and other therapeutics for use against COVID-19 and possibilities for improved clinical management.


Submit your Abstract for oral or poster presentation here . Abstracts for both pre-clinical and clinical research are most welcome, additionally in any of these categories:

COVID-19 Clinical Spectrum

COVID-19 Viral Replication Kinetics

COVID-19 Immunopathogenesis

SARS-CoV-2 Antivirals


Pre-clinical studies

Clinical trial outcomes

Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, convalescent plasma

Combination Therapy Approaches


Best abstract presentations to be awarded.

Abstracts accepted for e-poster presentation will also have the opportunity to record a short 3-5 minute talk summarising the key points of their research


Register and submit your abstract today. 

If any further details are required, please email lidadesouza@isirv.org

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