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About IDWeek CME

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IDWeek Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) 

Accreditation Statement for Physicians

IDSA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. 

Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit 

Pharmacy credit will be available for select sessions at IDWeek. Please refer to the CME/CPE Credit Tracker in the Final Program for a detailed listing and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) number assigned to each applicable session. Pharmacists must attend each selected session in its entirety to receive CPE credit.

IDWeek Description

IDWeek brings together physicians, scientists, and other health care professionals involved in research, patient care, public health, disease prevention, and education in the field of infectious diseases. There are no prerequisites for attendance. This meeting provides broad continuing educational courses and comprehensive educational experiences in the major facets of infectious diseases:  pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The courses combine expert reviews of the traditional field of infectious diseases with emphasis on the most contemporary trends, including emerging infections, new diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics

IDWeek Objectives:

  • Update infectious diseases clinicians and investigators with state-of- the-art developments in the field, including timely reviews of recent advances in clinical care and research and original reports of clinical, translational, and basic research
  • Bridge the widening gaps among the fields of infectious diseases clinical practice, clinical research, epidemiological and health services research, translational research, and basic research
  • Promote multi-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration among clinicians and investigators, thus facilitating advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases

Credit Designation Statement

IDSA designates this live educational activity for a maximum 41 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

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In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support, IDSA must provide balance, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all sponsored educational activities accredited for CME. The intent of the disclosure(s) is to provide the audience with information on which they can make their own independent judgments pertaining to program content. 

Therefore, IDSA requires all faculty to disclose significant, relevant financial relationships with which they or a spouse/partner have, or have had, within the past 12 months with companies or commercial supporters of any products/services that is related to the research being presented at the IDWeek (for example, employee, grants, research support, speaker, sponsors, stockholder, etc.).  In addition to verbal and written disclosures, faculty are required to provide on the first slide of PowerPoint presentations, any significant financial interest(s)/relationship(s) or that there is 'Nothing to disclose.' 


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Commercial Support Statement


IDSA follows and supports the ACCME guidelines for commercial support.

Resolution of Personal Conflicts of Interest

It is the policy of IDSA that faculty resolve any conflicts of interest prior to IDWeek.

IDWeek faculty are requested to agree, to the following methods of resolving conflicts of interest(s) prior to the beginning of IDWeek: 

  •  If participating in the development of program content, to refrain from developing those components of the meeting that support or promote any financial relationship(s). 
  •   To disclose to the audience prior to IDWeek, any additional financial relationship(s). 
  •  If invited to review abstracts, to refrain from peer reviewing abstracts containing research to which the respective faculty have contributed. 
  •   If trade names of products and/or services are used, to use trade names from several companies, not just trade names from a single company. 


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Claim CME from a past meeting




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