IDSA & ID in the News
Modern Healthcare spoke with HIVMA Chair David Hardy, MD on recent concerns surrounding President Trump’s goal to end HIV in 10 years, which could be hindered by broader budget cuts.
"The funding allotment is a mere 'drop in the bucket' for what’s needed on the prevention and treatment fronts, said Dr. Hardy, board chair of the HIV Medical Association. HIV afflicts more 1.1 million Americans and 38,000 more are infected annually. 'The same kind of skepticism that I think was present after the State of the Union has become even more clearly defined because of the fact that the money is just not there,' Hardy said. 'There’s bits of money there, but it has not been well thought through about how to best use the healthcare resources in this country.'”
This is just one of the several news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to, in addition to others highlighted below. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to see the latest news stories featuring IDSA, HIVMA and our members.
- GlobalData News: Antibiotic sales struggling to reach market projections to see reimbursement woes read through to upcoming launches, experts say (Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA)
- Infectious Disease News: Patients with sickle cell disease may have lower risk for C. difficile (Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA)
- Infectious Disease News: Updated guidance on asymptomatic bacteriuria adds patients who should not be tested (Lindsay Nicolle, MD, FIDSA)
- Infectious Diseases in Children: Pediatric ID compensation ‘just too low’ (Buddy Creech, MD, MPH)
- Infectious Diseases in Children: Pediatric nifurtimox formulations for Chagas disease show promise in phase 3 trial (Morven Edwards, MD, FIDSA)
- Inside Health Policy: House Dems: Proposed Medicaid Cuts Inconsistent with HIV Proposal (HIVMA Executive Director Andrea Weddle)
- USA Today: 'Extraordinary': 5 states fight measles outbreak as N.Y. county bans unvaxxed minors in public (Jeff Duchin, MD, FIDSA and Aaron Glatt, MD, FIDSA)
- McKnight’s Long-Term Care News: Stop doing what doesn’t work for UTIs (Lindsay Nicolle, MD, FIDSA)
- Medicalresearch.com: Most Urinary Bacteria Do Not Require Antibiotics (Lindsay Nicolle, MD, FIDSA)
- The Washington Blade: Injectable, long-acting PrEP could be next in combatting HIV (Carlos del Rio, MD, FIDSA)