IDSA Thanks YOU, Our Members, for a Great 2019
As 2019 draws to a close, we would like to highlight some of the many successes the society achieved and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the volunteers who made them a reality. From reaching a historic 12,000+ in membership to numerous policy and regulatory achievements to making our mark in changing the tide on vaccine hesitancy, IDSA and the field of ID have much to be proud of from the past year.
IDSA President Tom File, Jr., M.D., MSc, FIDSA shares his top highlights from the year in his latest video message. Many of the successes of 2019 are captured in the infographic below.
Click on the infographic to access a larger version.
Thank you, members for all that you do on a local, national and global level. IDSA wishes you a happy holiday season and new year, and we look forward to even more success in 2020.