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Journal Club Archive

February 20, 2019


IDSA Foundation Announces ALZ Grant Awardees

The IDSA Foundation partnered with Alzheimer’s Germ Quest, Inc. last summer to provide two unique $50,000 grant funding opportunities. Infectious diseases investigators from around the world shared their innovative projects to research whether an infectious agent or microbial mechanism is responsible for triggering or driving Alzheimer’s disease.

The IDSA Foundation is proud to announce the two recipients of the $50,000 seed funding:  Colette Cywes-Bentley, PhD and Allison Aiello, PhD. Their projects will initiate promising new directions in Alzheimer’s–related research that may lead to new developments in testing, early detection, and/or treatment.

The identification of specific links or causes of Alzheimer’s disease has remained elusive. The IDSA Foundation and Alzheimer’s Germ Quest, Inc. are hopeful for the results of Dr. Bentley and Dr. Aiello’s ground-breaking research. The impacts of their research have the potential to change lives around the world.

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