IDSA Fields Numerous Media Requests in Rapidly Changing Coronavirus Outbreak
The recent outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China has captured the attention of health authorities and the public. With moment to moment developments in the outbreak, IDSA issued an expert alert to media, offering our spokespersons for interviews. In just the last week, IDSA spokesperson and Global Health Committee member Dan Lucey, M.D., MPH, FIDSA has fielded eight interviews to date, including HealthDay and MedPage Today pieces on the measures being taken to understand and contain the virus. In an op ed published by Dr. Lucey and colleague Annie Sparrow in Foreign Policy, they applaud China’s handling of this outbreak, particularly in comparison to its response to the outbreak of SARS in 2002. “China’s rapid recognition of this outbreak is particularly remarkable given that it is winter, when influenza and other infections cause many respiratory illnesses that make it difficult to tell whether any particular case of illness is the responsibility of a new respiratory disease,” they write.
These are just a few of the news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons are working on. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to see the latest news and opinion pieces featuring IDSA, HIVMA and our members.
- Voice of America: New Tech, Sharp Docs Made Fast ID of Wuhan Coronavirus Possible (Dan Lucey, M.D., MPH, FIDSA)
- Bloomberg News: Sanofi Will Double Flu Efforts With $226 Million HHS Contract (Trish Perl, M.D., FIDSA)
- MedPage Today: What Does an Influenza B Dominant Flu Season Mean? (Aaron Glatt, M.D., FIDSA)
- Runner’s World: Lyme Disease Almost Ended Robby Andrews’s Career. Here’s What Finally Cured Him (Paul Auwaerter, M.D., MBA, FIDSA)