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Journal Club Archive

July 18, 2018


ABIM Knowledge Check-In: Feedback from Internal Medicine and Nephrology

The American Board of Internal Medicine launched its Knowledge Check-In, the revised approach to certification assessments, this spring with Internal Medicine and Nephrology specialties. ABIM conducted a post-assessment survey of participants which included questions about what physicians thought about the Knowledge Check-In, their opinions on taking the exam at home or in the workplace, and their feedback on using UpToDate®, the “open book” aspect of the exam. A summary of the findings follows:

Internal Medicine (81% response rate):

  • 92% said the test/registration process was handled in an efficient manner (4% neither agree/disagree)
  • 81% reported the external resource (UpToDate®) was valuable for answering the test questions (11% neither agree/disagree)
  • 65% were satisfied with their overall testing experience (21% neither agree/disagree)

Nephrology (87% response rate):

  • 97% said the test/registration process was handled in an efficient manner (2% neither agree/disagree)
  • 62% reported the external resource (UpToDate®) was valuable for answering the test questions (19% neither agree/disagree)
  • 58% were satisfied with their overall testing experience (27% neither agree/disagree)

Unedited comments from participants and full survey results were shared in an ABIM blog post, Recapping ABIM’s Knowledge Check-In Launch.

As a reminder, the Knowledge Check-In is being rolled out over a three-year period and will be an available option for Infectious Diseases and several other subspecialties in 2019. Registration will open on Dec. 1, 2018 and the dates for assessment will be May 7 & 11, 2019 and Nov. 12 & 17, 2019. Read about Knowledge Check-In scenarios and which physicians would benefit from taking the Check-In in 2019 in this past IDSA News article.

We will continue to share information from ABIM and to provide our feedback to them as the roll-out continues.

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