Antibiotic Resistance is More than Just a Medical Crisis
Harvard Public Health spoke with IDSA President Cynthia Sears, MD, FIDSA on how the rise of antibiotic resistance is more than just a medical crisis, but also a scientific, economic, political, and moral problem.
“There isn’t an ID doc in this country who hasn’t been at the bedside of a patient who’s desperately ill and for whom we did not have an antibiotic,” Sears stated. “And it’s not always someone who’s older. The case I always harken back to was a woman in her mid-20s who had an intra-abdominal abscess. Things didn’t go well after surgery. And I literally had no drugs to offer her.”
This is just one of the news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to, in addition to others highlighted below. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to see the latest news and opinion pieces featuring IDSA, HIVMA and our members.
- Duke’s Clinical Practice Today: Reducing Antibiotic Overuse in Outpatient Setting (Jason Newland, MD)
- Healthline: Rural Areas Now Supporting Needle Exchange Programs — Here’s Why (Judith Feinberg, MD, FIDSA)
- Infectious Disease Consultant360: Matthew Zahn, MD, on the Knowledge Gaps Around Measles (Matthew Zahn, MD)