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Journal Club Archive

June 20, 2018


Attention Program Directors: Sign up for IDSA’s Core AS Curriculum Pilot Program

The IDSA Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum pilot program is launching in July and there is still time to sign up to participate. If you are an ID Program Director interested in enrolling your program, please contact Vera Luther, MD or Rachel Shnekendorf, MPH by August 1.

Curriculum Highlights

This AS curriculum is designed to be incorporated into existing Infectious Diseases (ID) fellowship training program curricula. Key features of the curriculum include:

  • Feasible: The curriculum was designed with respect for the numerous and varied educational priorities that are a part of ID fellowship training. Estimated time for completion of the core curriculum: 4-5 hours for faculty, 10-12 hours for fellows.
  • Versatile: To accommodate varying AS resources at home institutions, resources for faculty instructors and fellow self-directed learning are provided. The AS curriculum includes direction on how to use the educational activities to capitalize on or augment existing AS resources. Each activity has an eLearning or face-to-face option.
  • Engaging: Active learning techniques are emphasized to augment learner engagement and enhance retention of content. Resources for evaluating fellow competence in AS are also included.

Participating program responsibilities

  • Identify a key faculty member who will be the “champion” of the AS curriculum. This could be the ID fellowship program director or the faculty member who is responsible for the AS education of fellows.
  • Complete a baseline survey of both faculty and fellows in June/July of 2018.
  • Review curriculum overview and orientation materials.
  • Have fellows enroll in the online AS curriculum.
  • Plan the incorporation of “home institution” activities as outlined in the curriculum.
  • Use all portions of the core curriculum prior to June 1, 2019.
  • Complete a follow-up survey of both faculty and fellows in June 2019.

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