The Critical Need for Stewardship in the ICU…and more ID in the News
Infectious Disease Special Edition spoke with IDSA spokesperson Sarah Doernberg, MD, on how antibiotic stewardship in the ICU should be a critical part of a patient’s care. However, the article points out that it is not easy to practice in this setting because the patients are so vulnerable, the need is immediate, and all the information needed to choose an antibiotic is often not available.
“In the ICU, there is a feeling that there is a lack of leeway or time to let things unfold compared to a more stable patient,” Doernberg, stated. “Hence, there is more risk aversion in the ICU settings toward missing an organism or missing an infection. This results in broader antibiotic use, which typically is appropriate. But it can also increase adverse effects for the patient and increase antibiotic resistance in general.”
This is just one of the news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to, in addition to others highlighted below. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to see the latest news and opinion pieces featuring IDSA, HIVMA and our members.
- Contagion Live: DRC Ebola Outbreak Tops 2000 Cases (Krutika Kuppalli, MD)
- Contagion Live: US Measles Outbreaks Surpass 1000 Cases for 2019 (Matthew Zahn, MD)
- Infectious Disease News: Drug prices on TV ‘a step in the right direction’ (David Hardy, MD, Colleen Kelley, MD)
- Infectious Diseases in Children: Should the US government leverage patents held by the CDC to push down the price of Truvada? (David Hardy, MD)
- Infectious Diseases in Children: Teen PrEP use a critical ‘piece of the puzzle’ to ending HIV transmission (Michelle Ogle, MD)
- Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology: US halts faecal transplantation clinical trials (Johan Bakken, MD, FIDSA)
- National Journal: HIV Groups Caught in Crosswinds of Trump Agenda (David Hardy, MD)
- POZ/Bay Area Reporter: Great News! Expert Panel Recommends PrEP for HIV Prevention (HIVMA/David Hardy, MD)
- Rewire News: New PrEP Recommendation Likely to Broaden Access to HIV-Protection Drug (David Hardy, MD)
- CNN: CDC investigates after 4 patients got sepsis from contaminated platelet transfusions (Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA)