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Journal Club Archive

June 6, 2018


IDSA Attends 71st World Health Assembly

Gives Input on Global Public Health Strategy, Ending TB & Preparing for Health Emergencies


For the first time, IDSA staff participated in the 71st World Health Assembly in Geneva this month. Staff presented statements on IDSA priorities on the assembly floor, attended civil society and countryside events – including an event launching the global antimicrobial resistance research and development hub – and participated in meetings with U.S. government and WHO officials. Staff read this statement on the floor of the assembly on the WHO’s global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property, this statement on the upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting on ending TB, and joined the Global Health Council, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and Management Sciences for Health in this statement calling on the WHO to accelerate work towards strengthening health systems, workforces, and other core capacities needed during health emergencies.

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