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Journal Club Archive

March 18, 2020


IDSA Members Contribute Authority, Expertise as COVID-19 Pandemic Grows

As the spread of COVID-19 in the United States poses escalating challenges and new questions, IDSA members continue to contribute their expertise to media reports.

In a recent NPR article, IDSA spokesperson Andy Pavia M.D., FIDSA, discusses the decision to implement an online-only learning environment for university students amid outbreak woes.

"It's worth first thinking about people of college age; they are not at great risk of getting severely ill with the virus that causes COVID-19," Pavia told NPR. "They can act as tremendous amplifiers of the epidemic. And the behaviors that young people have in college: spending a lot of time close together, intimate contact, sharing food and drink, make the spread of viruses in that setting a pretty high likelihood."

In another COVID-19 related piece seen in USA Today, IDSA spokesperson, Angela Hewlett, M.D., FIDSA, commented on the rarely used federal quarantine imposed on the eight evacuees from the Diamond Princess cruise ship she is currently treating and monitoring at the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

"The whole tenet of public health is temporarily giving up some personal liberties for the greater good…even with all of our technology, keeping people away from each other is still an effective way of preventing the spread of disease."

These are just two of the stories IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to, in addition to the coverage listed below. 

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