Leadership Development Committee Members Named
IDSA and HIVMA have selected members to their Leadership Development Committees. Recruitment for these committees took place in January following a successful IDSA bylaws vote that established the Leadership Development Committee to replace the Nominations Committee. Over 100 applicants enthusiastically responded to the call for volunteers, demonstrating their commitment to better incorporating principles of inclusion, diversity, access and equity to the Society’s governance.
The new Leadership Development Committees will develop and oversee the process of identifying, coaching and stewarding qualified pools of applicants to serve as volunteer leaders. It will also ensure that volunteers meet core competency skill areas and represent the diverse needs, perspectives and experiences of our membership – tapping into an expanded pool of potential leaders and volunteers with diverse expertise and backgrounds. The Society’s definition of diversity is broad and includes race/ethnicity, gender, work setting, region, member degree, professional activity, and key areas of expertise, among other factors.
IDSA Leadership Development Committee:
William Powderly, MD, FIDSA, Chair
Washington University School of Medicine
Archana Chatterjee, MD, PhD, FIDSA, Vice Chair
Univ. of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine
David Andes, MD, FIDSA
University of Wisconsin
Virginia Banks, MD, MBA, FIDSA
Northeast Ohio Infectious Disease Associates
Roger Bedimo, MD, FIDSA
VA North Texas Health Care System
Virginia Bieluch, MD, FIDSA
Hospital of Central Connecticut
Michael Butera, MD, FIDSA
Pulmonary Medicine and Infectious Diseases Medical Group
Edward Dominguez, MD, FIDSA
Methodist Transplant Physicians
Elizabeth Dianne Hermsen, MBA, PharmD
Merck & Co, Inc
Sandra Kemmerly, MD, FIDSA
Ochsner Health System
Henry Masur, MD, FIDSA
National Institutes of Health
Michelle Floris-Moore, MD, MS
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Chris Nyquist, MD, MSPH
University of Colorado/Children’s Hospital Colorado
Arjun Srinivasan, MD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Joel Terriquez, MD, FIDSA
Northern Arizona Healthcare
HIVMA Leadership Development Committee:
Igho Ofotokun, MD, MSc, FIDSA, Chair
Emory University
Donna Futterman, MD, Vice Chair
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Adolescent AIDS Program at Montefiore Medical Center
Patrick Clay, PharmD
UNT Health Science Center College of Pharmacy
Nada Fadul, MD
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Robert Goldstein, MD, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Kathleen R Jacobson, MD
University of Southern California
Jeanne Keruly, MS, NP
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Ellen Kitchell, MD
University of Texas, Southwestern