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Journal Club Archive

May 1, 2019


New Learning Management System Coming Soon

New LMS.png

IDSA is proud to announce the launch of “IDSA Academy,” our new Learning Management System, this summer. This new system will give both members and nonmembers the ability to register, view and complete courses in a cleaner, more streamlined interface; along with access to personal transcripts as well as new course offerings and activities. This new site also will look great on mobile devices.

As we approach the system’s July launch date, current and future users should keep these dates in mind:

  • May 15 - Course content in the current system will no longer be available for purchase;
  • June 15 – Existing users enrolled in current courses should try to finalize course completions.*

Stay tuned for more detailed updates on this new system, coming soon. Please reach out to Academy@idsociety.org with questions.

* The exception is the Core AS Curriculum, which pilot users will have until July to complete.

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