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Journal Club Archive

May 15, 2019


ID and HIV Programs Get Boost in House Funding Bill

The House Appropriations Committee passed its FY2020 Labor, Health, and Human Services funding bill on May 8, addressing key concerns of IDSA/HIVMA members who have advocated for deeper investments in ID and HIV prevention, care and research.

The House LHHS bill largely rejects cuts proposed in the Administration’s FY2020 budget for domestic and global ID and HIV programs, and instead provides increases or level funding for many ID and HIV priorities, as outlined in this funding chart and in IDSA and HIVMA press releases.

The House Appropriations Committee would increase funding to combat antimicrobial resistance, address infectious diseases related to the opioid epidemic, support the public health workforce and young researchers, end HIV as an epidemic, and fight infectious diseases globally.

The federal funding process for FY2020 is just beginning. The House Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations bill is expected to be considered by the full House in June, and the Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to release and consider its own FY2020 health funding bill also in June. IDSA and HIVMA recognize that while increases in the House health funding bill are critical, in many cases even deeper investments are required to meet urgent needs.  As the appropriations process moves forward, IDSA and HIVMA will continue to keep up the pressure on Congress to provide robust resources for our priorities.

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