Due to system maintenance, member access to profiles, IDSA Academy, MyIDSA, and member-only content will be unavailable from Jan. 31 to Feb. 4. We apologize for any inconvenience. For assistance, please contact our team via email or phone at (703) 299-0200.
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Journal Club Archive

May 23, 2018


ICYMI: What’s Hot on MyIDSA

Here’s a glance at the latest discussions happening on MyIDSA, IDSA and HIVMA’s members-only online community (login required):

IDea Exchange:
Probiotic for C.diff prohylaxis

Inpatient HIV Stewardship

Advanced Practice Practioners:

Making the Most out of MyIDSA:

If you have not yet joined in on MyIDSA, take a moment to login and complete your profile by visiting the upper right-hand corner of the webpage. You can upload your picture (so other members can put a face to the name) and you can add a bio as well as your job history and primary professional activity. See what your colleagues are talking about! It’s infectious!

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