Dangerously Close to a Post-Antibiotic Era
Modern Healthcare spoke with IDSA Board Member Helen Boucher, MD, FIDSA on the rate at which pathogens are growing progressively resistant to antibiotics, bringing the world dangerously close to a “post-antibiotic” era. “We are seeing a growing number of patients for whom we don’t have any treatment options, so we can’t treat their infection,” said Dr. Boucher. “In many cases they die, and in other cases it means that they can’t have other medical care that they need.”
This is just one of the news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to, in addition to others highlighted below. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to see the latest news and opinion pieces featuring IDSA, HIVMA and our members.
- Healthline: Why Measles Is So Contagious and How to Protect Yourself (Matthew Zahn, MD)
- Infectious Disease Special Edition: NSAIDs, Likely New Culprit in C. diff (Aaron Glatt, MD, FIDSA)
- Infectious Disease Special Edition: Updated OPAT Guideline Emphasizes Initial Dosing and Oversight (Susan Bleasdale, MD)
- Lohud.com: Measles 2019: What to know about ending Rockland's outbreak in 42 days, perpetual risks (Arron Glatt, MD, FIDSA, Jeffrey Duchin, MD, FIDSA)
- MedPage Today: Measles: Coming Soon to Your Practice (Aaron Glatt, MD, FIDSA)
- Physician’s Weekly: IDSA Guideline Update on Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobials (Anne Norris, MD)