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Journal Club Archive

November 14, 2018


Hep C Hepatitis C Data Shows Prevalence Tripled in Last Decade

Data recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the number of cases of acute hepatitis C more than tripled between 2010 and 2016, with 41,000 new infections in 2016 alone. With increases largely attributed to injection drug use in the context of the ongoing opioid crisis, the CDC also notes the data indicate the great majority of those infected are not receiving the direct-acting antiviral drugs that cure the virus. 

IDSA and HIVMA responded to the findings with a news release that stating, “The data demand substantial investments in CDC programs carrying out surveillance and providing screening and diagnosis and linkage to treatment. Improved access to, and Medicaid coverage of direct-acting antivirals, for all patients who need them, is essential.” Read the full release.

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