IDSA and ID in the News
A survey by IDSA and Research!America of Americans’ awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance was covered by HealthDay in its story, America Is Worried About Antibiotic Resistance, which was picked up by 10 additional news outlets including U.S. News & World Report. Also, STAT News has published a timely op ed by IDSA/HIVMA member Myron Cohen MD, FIDSA leading up to World AIDS Day (Dec. 1), PEPFAR, Launched as an Emergency Response to AIDS, Has Built a Bridge to the Future. These are just two of the several news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to. Others are highlighted below.
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- MedicalResearch.com: CDC Identifies Most Serious Norovirus Strains (Rachel Burke, PhD, MPH)
- Medscape: EMA Curtails Use of Fluoroquinolone, Quinolone Antibiotics (Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA)
- Reuters Health (picked up by three outlets including Medscape): CDC Issues Updated Data on Acute Flaccid Myelitis in US (Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA)
- WebMD: New Drugs Approved for Traveler’s Diarrhea (Aaron Glatt, MD, FIDSA)
Coverage of IDSA/HIVMA Statements and News Releases:
- Health Medicine Network (also ran in five additional outlets): New study sheds light on norovirus outbreaks, may help efforts to develop a vaccine
- Outbreak News Today: Antibiotic resistance: Survey says 81 percent of Americans concerned