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OPAT eHandbook

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Handbook of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy for Infectious Diseases

The Handbook of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) for Infectious Diseases was originally published in 2006 under the leadership of Alan D. Tice, MD, FACP.

An updated electronic PDF version of the original handbook was released in 2016, as a practical resource for infectious disease specialists starting an OPAT program, as well as for those physicians who have an interest in improving the outcomes and efficiency of their current OPAT practice.

This eHandbook can support infectious disease specialists who are leading efforts to deploy OPAT within accountable care organizations and clinically integrated networks, demonstrating the remarkable cost savings, reduction in hospital-acquired conditions, and enhanced patient satisfaction that a successful OPAT program can deliver. Additionally, new chapters on healthcare reform and OPAT in pediatrics have been added.

The eHandbook is free for IDSA members, thanks to support from Allergan, The Medicines Company, and Merck & Co..


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