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COVID-19 Podcast: Combatting Social Media Misinformation

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Feb 28 - combatting social media misinformation.png

IDSA speaks with Carlos del Rio, MD, FIDSA of Emory University, Javeed Siddiqui, MD, FIDSA of TeleMed2U and Ravina Kullar, PharmD, FIDSA of Expert Stewardship, Inc. The expert panelists discuss the Trump administration’s supplemental funding request, combatting misinformation on social media, the role telehealth will play in patient treatment, and the status of a COVID-19 vaccine. *Also available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify

00:49 - Where does the spread of COVID-19 stand today?
02:46 - Current treatment plans
09:06 - Will a vaccine be developed to prevent COVID-19?
09:46 – The role of telehealth in treating patients
13:10 - CDC's assessment that hospitals should prepare for a greater role for telehealth
14:02 - Will the funding request by the Trump administration be enough?
15:41 - Combatting misinformation on social media




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