As COVID-19 Cases Approach 5 Million in U.S., Infectious Diseases Leaders Call on White House for Unified Action on Masks

In a letter sent to Vice President Mike Pence today, leaders of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association are urging the White House to issue a strong federal directive calling for mask requirements in all states to curtail the spread of COVID-19 across this country, protect the economy and safely reopen schools.

Twenty-three Institutions Receive the IDSA Antimicrobial Stewardship Centers of Excellence Designation

One of IDSA’s top priorities is fighting antimicrobial resistance through research, education, training and policy initiatives. Our Centers of Excellence program honors institutions that have demonstrated leadership in that fight

IDSA, HIVMA Urge Inclusion of People Living with HIV in COVID-19 Clinical Trials

In a letter sent Wednesday to officials heading federal efforts to develop a vaccine against COVID-19, leaders of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association have urged that participation in clinical trials of vaccine candidates be open to people living with HIV.

Senate Republican COVID-19 Relief Responses Represent Progress but Fall Short of Critical Needs

A series of proposed COVID-19 bills released by Senate Republicans Monday represent a step toward urgently needed relief and resources, but fall short of necessary responses.

Organizations Call for Reversal of Administration Policy Bypassing CDC with COVID-19 Data

More than 100 public health, science, research and medical organizations are urging the White House  to reverse a new policy that would divert COVID-19 patient data collection from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Appropriations Bills Acknowledge Pandemic Challenges, Ongoing Needs, While Failing to Address Critical Impacts

The House Labor, Health and Human Services bill passed by the full Appropriations Committee on July 13, and the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bills passed by the full committee on July 9, provide critical resources to confront and curtail the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts at home and abroad.

Withdrawal from WHO Leaves U.S. More Vulnerable to COVID-19 and Future Pandemics

The administration’s decision to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization comes at a juncture of the COVID-19 pandemic when more than 12.1 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and more than 550,000 people have died worldwide.

Response from IDSA President to New COVID-19 Data Reporting Protocol

Reports that the administration has established a procedure that would remove the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a recipient of data on patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are troubling and, if implemented, will undermine our nation’s public health experts.

Infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine Association Call for Evidence-based Decisions on School Re-openings

As societies of infectious diseases physicians, scientists, public health practitioners and frontline health providers, we recognize the need to balance concerns surrounding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with community concerns

IDSA President Thomas M. File, Jr., M.D, responds to WHO withdrawl

“We are disappointed in the administration's decision to abandon the WHO. America needs to join with the global scientific community in fighting the virus, not go it alone..."

HIVMA Board President Judith Feinberg, M.D responds to WHO withdrawl

“The administration’s decision to withdraw from the WHO will not only leave the United States more vulnerable to COVID-19 and future pandemics, but it will be a major setback to our efforts to control the HIV pandemic here at home and abroad."

Newer Therapy Recommended For Treatment-Refractory Mac Pulmonary Inefection

A newer therapy that acts like a Trojan horse to attack bacteria should be reserved for patients with certain treatment-refractory lung infections, according to updated nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) pulmonary disease guidelines released by the IDSA, the American Thoracic Society (ATS), the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (ESCMID).