FY 2020 Spending Bill Funds Critical Initiatives While Neglecting Urgent Priorities

The spending bill passed today is a welcome step forward. Allocations in the bill will strengthen public health and research efforts during the year ahead and will provide critical support for important goals.

House Drug Pricing Bill Serves Patients, Public Health

H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act passed by the House of Representatives today introduces critically needed and significant steps to reduce costs and improve access to life-saving therapies for conditions including HIV and hepatitis C.

Flu Preparedness Hearing Opens Opportunities for Vaccine, AMR Action

Today’s subcommittee hearing on U.S. preparedness and responses for the 2019-2020 flu season offers an important opportunity to examine and act on gaps and challenges exacerbating the public health threats of seasonal influenza outbreaks.

Hepatitis C Guidance Updated

HCVguidelines.org was recently revised to reflect important developments in the identification and management of chronic hepatitis C.

This World AIDS Day Finds Us at a Crossroads

This World AIDS Day marks a promising and unprecedented point in a quest begun nearly four decades ago to end the global public health threat of HIV through science and solidarity.

CDC Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report Shows Impacts of Federal Investments, Continued Gaps

The Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report released by the CDC today shows that while recent federal investments to combat antibiotic resistance have had meaningful impacts, the continued spread of infections that are not effectively treated by existing medicines pose deadly threats to patients and public health.

For Patients with Sepsis, an Infectious Disease Expert May Reduce the Risk of Death

Among patients with severe sepsis, early consultation with an ID specialist was associated with 40 percent lower mortality, a new study in Open Forum Infectious Diseases finds.

Journal Articles Explore Fatal Consequences of Immigrant Detention Policies, Conditions

Clinical Infectious Diseases articles examine child deaths at U.S. immigrant detention centers.

New STD Data Represent Urgent Call for Action

The continued steep increase in incidence of sexually transmitted diseases reported by the CDC Tuesday, is a cause for deep concern about dangerous gaps in our public health infrastructure.

Studies Show Flu Vaccine Reduces Risk of Hospitalization in Children and Death in Adults

The influenza (flu) vaccine can not only prevent illness that may cause a week or more of misery, it can reduce the likelihood of hospitalization in children and death in adults, according to two analyses of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-supported U.S. influenza surveillance data being presented at IDWeek 2019.

Grindr Users Take More Risks, But More Open to PrEP: Study Suggests Popular App Could Provide a Platform for HIV Prevention Outreach

Grindr users took more sexual risks and had more partners than those who didn’t use the popular social networking app for gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, according to a study being presented at IDWeek 2019.

Taking Antibiotics Before Dental Visits May Cause Serious Side Effects

Not only are antibiotics vastly overprescribed before most dental visits, using them for even a day or two increases the risk of serious side effects such as an allergic reaction or Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infection, according to a large national study being presented at IDWeek 2019.