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CDC Experts Need More Involvement in COVID-19, Not Less


Thomas M. File, Jr., M.D., FIDSA — President, Infectious Diseases Society of America
Judith Feinberg, M.D., FIDSA — Chair, HIV Medicine Association

Reports that the White House may be considering significantly reducing the role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are deeply concerning.

America remains at the center of a global pandemic and needs well-established, credible scientists—not political appointees—informing public health decisions. As the number of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths surge, CDC leadership is urgently needed to set national guidance for preventing further transmission.

The emphasis should not be on partisan politics, but on urging everyone to wear masks or facial coverings and observe physical distancing. These common-sense protections are critical to safely reopening the country as more people engage in activities outside of their homes.   

All facets of our nation’s response to COVID-19 must be strengthened, and weakening the CDC runs counter to that goal.  CDC has unique expertise in multiple priority areas, including infection prevention and vaccine distribution.

It is imperative to our public health that responses to COVID-19 and other threats be based on the best available evidence and led by medical, scientific and public health experts.



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