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Response from Infectious Diseases Society of America President Barbara D. Alexander, MD, MHS, FIDSA, to CDC mask recommendation:


New CDC findings further confirm that wearing a well-fitting mask can significantly reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. CDC offers tips for improving mask fit; for some individuals, double-masking may be helpful to improve fit, but it is not necessary for all.

The new laboratory based data from CDC reinforces the role that each one of us can play in protecting ourselves and our community. We urge everyone to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth and that fits snugly, limit travel, maintain physical distance, avoid large gatherings and places that are not well ventilated, wash hands frequently and to get vaccinated when the vaccine is available to you. These are the proven steps that are crucial to controlling the pandemic.

Response from Infectious Diseases Society of America President Barbara D. Alexander, MD, MHS, FIDSA, to CDC mask recommendation.png

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