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Statement on President Biden’s Covid Response Strategy 

“The Infectious Diseases Society of America supports President Biden’s multi-pronged approach to  boost vaccination rates and strengthen our COVID-19 response. 

With COVID-19 cases on the rise and health systems stretched to capacity, it is imperative to public health and safety that eligible people get vaccinated. Strategies like employer vaccination mandates, especially for health care personnel, and paid time off for vaccination will help increase vaccination rates by increasing vaccine urgency and by making vaccines more accessible. 

Right now, individuals who are hospitalized with COVID are almost all people who did not get vaccinated. The evidence is clear that vaccines are the best way to prevent hospitalization and death from COVID-19.    

Vaccination is our way out of this pandemic. 

Providing additional staff to support overwhelmed health care facilities is also important to help alleviate burnout among clinicians, but this is only a temporary solution.  As we aim to prepare for future pandemics, we need to improve our infrastructure and response capacity, including with an adequate workforce of infectious diseases physicians to guide our efforts and ensure patients receive optimal care.”

Barbara D. Alexander, MD, MHS, FIDSA – President, Infectious Diseases Society of America

About IDSA
The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) is a community of over 12,000 physicians, scientists, and public health experts who specialize in infectious diseases. Its purpose is to improve the health of individuals, communities, and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health, and prevention relating to infectious diseases. Learn more at https://www.idsociety.org/.

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