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Educational Resources

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Forum for Collaborative HIV Research – HCV Drug Resistance Slide Set 

Recognizing the need for education regarding HCV drug resistance, the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research's HCV Drug Development Advisory Group (academicians, clinicians, researchers and patient advocates) have contributed to a slide deck explaining resistance in HCV, its consequences as well as its mitigation. The slide deck explains important drug resistance concepts in HCV, including:

  • how resistance can arise before, during and after stopping therapy;
  • the mechanism of action of direct acting antivirals (DAAs) and their effects on viral kinetics and the possibility of cure;
  • how mutations lead to changes which makes the virus resistant to DAAs;
  • viral, drug and patient factors that influence treatment outcomes.

This educational slide deck is intended for use by a diverse audience ranging from health care providers involved with evaluating, diagnosing and treating HCV, HCV patients who want to learn about the disease and treatment options, and HCV advocates in the community who may use the slides in their education outreach efforts.  For more information about the Forum, please visit: www.hivforum.org.

IDSA Guidelines Slide Sets

The practice guideline slide sets are available to the public for download. Some recommendations have been shortened or combined to clearly emphasize clinical points. If using this set, familiarity with the actual recommendations from the published document is highly recommended. You may use or present a slide set in its entirety if you credit the author and source of the material.

Slide Sets Available:


Uncomplicated Cystitis and Pyelonephritis (UTI)

For more information on our guidelines, please visit the IDSA Practice Guidelines page.

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