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What's New in Global Health

Statement on World AIDS Day 2017 12/01/2017
On World AIDS Day, while we recognize the progress made against HIV globally, we must measure that progress against the urgent needs that remain. Click here to read more.

Countdown: Global HIV, Responses, Results 12/01/2017
This briefing paper from IDSA chronicles the progress made over the past decade in eliminating HIV/AIDS as a global public health threat, and looksahead at the work that remains in achieving epidemic control. Click here to read more.

Red Ribbon or White Flag? The Future of the US Global AIDS Response 12/01/2017
This report from the ONE campaign details the impacts of the White House’s proposed budget cuts to U.S. global HIV funding and subsequent PEPFAR strategy on the global AIDS response. Click here to read more.

The Ascent Begins: Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005-2016 11/08/2017
The latest report from the Treatment Action Group on funding trends for global tuberculosis research and development shows there has been increases in spending on TB research, but overall funding remains inadequate for achieving
global goals to eliminate the epidemic by 2030. Click here to read more.

Healthier World, Safer America: A U.S. Government Roadmap 
for International Action to Prevent the Next Pandemic 10/24/2017
The latest report from the Treatment Action Group on funding trends for global tuberculosis research and development shows there has been increases in spending on TB research, but overall funding remains inadequate  for achieving global goals to eliminate the epidemic by 2030. 
Click here to read more.

IDSA & HIVMA Letter on NDAA 09/04/2017
IDSA and HIVMA have sent this letter to Senators McCain and Reed to reject
provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act that would severely
restrict medical research conducted by the Department of Defense. Click here
to read the letter, and click here to read a follow up letter on the House and
Senate conference of the NDAA. IDSA and HIVMA also sent this letter to
Reps. Thornberry and Smith urging them to reject provisions that limit military
research as the Senate conferences with the House on NDAA. 

IDSA Letter to new USAID Administrator 08/29/2017
IDSA sent this letter welcoming Ambassador Mark Green as the new
Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. Click here to
read the letter. 

IDSA Letter to new WHO Director General 08/29/2017
IDSA sent this letter to Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus congratulating him on his
election as Director General of the World Health Organization. Click here to
read the letter. 

IDSA Letter on Moscow TB Declaration 07/21/2017
IDSA sent this letter to the WHO Interagency Working Group on the draft
Moscow TB Declaration, ahead of the WHO's Ministerial Conference on
Ending TB to take place in November 2017. The Ministerial Conference is a
prelude to the UN High Level Meeting on TB to take place in September
2018. Click here to read the letter. 

Letter to Sec. Tillerson on Global HIV Funding 07/06/2017
Over 40 global health organizations signed onto this letter to Secretary of
State Rex Tillerson expressing concern over the State Department's budget
for global HIV programs, particularly the proposal for capping HIV treatment
enrollment and focusing PEPFAR efforts to just 12 countries. Click here to
read the letter. Click here to read the letter. 

GAPP Politico Ad 05/30/2017
IDSA and HIVMA joined a number of organizations committed to ending the
HIV epidemic globally in this advertisement directed towards Congress,
published in Politico.

Medical Societies Write to Sec. Price on Fogarty International Center 05/15/2017
Leaders from over two dozen medical organizations signed this letter to
Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, in support of the NIH's
Fogarty International Center. Click here to see a press statement on the letter
and the Fogarty Center.

Report on 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health 05/11/2017
This paper summarizes key takeaways on the global tuberculosis epidemic from
the 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health.

Report on CROI 2017 05/11/2017
This paper provides an overview of the key findings on global HIV presented
at the 2017 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.

Fogarty International Center 04/26/2017
IDSA Global Health has published this paper on the Fogarty International
Center at the National Institutes of Health and its impact on global health.

Updated Zika White Paper 04/26/2017
In light of recent Congressional action and the WHO response to the Zika
outbreak, IDSA Global health has released this updated white paper on the
Zika outbreak at home and abroad. Click here to read more.

Physicians ask Pres. Trump for robust global ID response 01/31/2017
Nearly 500 physicians, scientists, and researchers signed this letter, urging
President Trump to strongly support U.S. efforts to fight global infectious
diseases. Click here for the letter.

New White Paper on Tuberculosis 01/11/2017
This updated white paper on global tuberculosis examines the history of the
global TB, the current state of the epidemic, and recommends future
steps. Click here to read more.

World AIDS Day 2016 Statement 12/01/2016
In this statement on World AIDS Day, IDSA recognizes the progress made
against global HIV while calling for reinvigorated efforts to combat the virus.
Click here to read more.

Statement on WHO 2016 Global Tuberculosis Report 10/13/2016
IDSA Global Health joined with the global TB community in this release in
response to the World Health Organization's latest global TB report.

Letter to Amb. Birx on need for IPT Data 10/05/2016
In this letter to Global AIDS Ambassador Deborah Birx, IDSA joins other global
health organizations to urge PEPFAR to collect and report on isoniazid
preventive therapy. Click here to read more.

New White Paper on Global Antimicrobial Resistance 09/30/2016
In this white paper on global antimicrobial resistance, IDSA Global Health
outlines the impact of growing antimicrobial resistance to global health
responses Click here to read more.

Letter to Senate Leaders on Military Medical Research 06/01/2016
IDSA and HIVMA leaders wrote this letter to Senators McCain and Reed, 
expressing concern over provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act
for FY 2017 which would impose severe restrictions on medical research
funded through the Department of Defense. Click here to read the letter.

Letter on FDA Priority Review Voucher Program 05/19/2016
In this letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, several  
organizations urged lawmakers to adopt changes to the Food and Drug
Administration's priority review voucher program, to ensure that it effectively
accomplishes its goal of incentivizing new research and development for
neglected diseases. Click here to read the letter.

New White Paper on HIV 04/25/2016
Along with our new papers on Zika and Ebola, the Global Center has
released this paper outlining the current status of the HIV epidemic and
recommendations on how the U.S. should respond moving forward.
Click here to read more.

New White Paper on Ebola 04/22/2016
The Global Center has released a new white paper on the West Africa Ebola
crisis. The paper examines the global response to the outbreak and
recommends actions for the future. Click hereto read more.
Click here to read more.

New White Paper on Zika 04/20/2016
The Global Center has released a new white paper on the Zika outbreak,
examining the background, the current state of the outbreak, and potential
action for the future. Click here to read more.

Commemorate Progress, Seize Opportunities on World TB Day 03/23/2016
In this statement on World TB Day from Global Center Scientific Advisory
Committee co-chair Dr. Carol Dukes-Hamilton, the Center calls for the
redoubling of efforts to fight against the TB epidemic, now classified as the
world's biggest infectious disease killer. Click here to read more.

Global Center Statement on President's FY 2017 Budget 02/11/2016
In this statement on the President's release of the fiscal year 2017 budget, the
Global Center urges Congress to support the White House in efforts to combat
Zika and other emerging infections while strengthening the U.S. response to
global HIV and tuberculosis. Click here to read more.

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