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IDSA Guideline for Acute Bacterial Rhinosinusitis in Children and Adults (Archived)

Published CID,

Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 54, Issue 8, 15 April 2012, Pages e72–e112, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/cis370
Published: 15 April 2012

Anthony W. Chow, Michael S. Benninger, Itzhak Brook, Jan L. Brozek, Ellie J. C. Goldstein, Lauri A. Hicks, George A. Pankey, Mitchel Seleznick, Gregory Volturo, Ellen R. Wald, Thomas M. File


Evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and initial management of suspected acute bacterial rhinosinusitis in adults and children were prepared by a multidisciplinary expert panel of the Infectious Diseases Society of America comprising clinicians and investigators representing internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, otolaryngology, public health, epidemiology, and adult and pediatric infectious disease specialties. Recommendations for diagnosis, laboratory investigation, and empiric antimicrobial and adjunctive therapy were developed.

For the full list of references, please visit Oxford Academic, Clinical Infectious Diseases online.

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