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LEAP Fellows

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Current fellows, their institution, project and collaborating health department are listed below. To learn more about past LEAP fellows, including their institution, project title, collaborating health department, LEAP-project related publications and current role, expand the information for each LEAP fellowship year below.

Current Fellows (20232024)

Pam Lee, MD

Pam Lee, MD, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (Adult ID)
LEAP Fellowship Project: Quantifying the Environmental Impact of MRSA/VRE Contact Precautions in L.A. County
Partner Health Department: Los Angeles County Health Department




Alice Lehman, MD

Alice Lehman, MD, University of Minnesota (Adult and Pediatric ID)
LEAP Fellowship Project: Community-Based Survey of Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness and Burden in Diverse Minnesota Populations — A Partnership Between Academic Medicine, State Public Health and Communities
Partner Health Department: Minnesota Department of Health




Matthew Lokant, MD

Matthew Lokant, MD, Vanderbilt University (Adult ID)
LEAP Fellowship Project: An Assessment of MDRO Reporting Streams/Process Across TN Microbiology Laboratories
Partner Health Department: Tennessee Department of Health




Kap Sum Foong, MD

Kap Sum Foong, MD, Tufts Medical Center (Adult ID)
LEAP Fellowship Project: A Point Prevalence Survey of Antibiotic Allergy Labels Among Long Term Care Facility Residents in Massachusetts — Variation by Race/Ethnicity and Impact on Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns
Partner Health Department: Massachusetts Department of Public Health

2022–2023 Fellows

Caitlin McGrath, MD

Caitlin McGrath, MD (Pediatric ID), University of Washington
Leap Fellowship Project: Associations Between Structural and Social Determinants of Health and HAIs

Partner Health Department: Washington State Department of Health

Lauren Leigh Smith, MD

Lauren Leigh Smith, MD (Adult ID), University of Maryland
Leap Fellowship Project:  Promoting Antimicrobial Stewardship and Preventing Drug-Resistant Organisms Using a Collaborative Approach Between State and Academic Public Health Leaders

Partner Health Department:  Maryland Department of Health

Brenda Anosike, MD

Brenda Anosike, MD (Pediatric ID), Children's Hospital of Montefiore
LEAP Fellowship Project:  Pediatric COVID Risk Score (PedCOVR), An Outpatient Stewardship Tool

Partner Health Department:  New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Clayton Mowrer, DO, MBA

Clayton Mowrer, DO, MBA (Adult & Pediatric ID), University of Nebraska Medical Center
LEAP Fellowship Project:  Development of National Special Populations Education and Training to Improve Provider Readiness for High-Consequence Pathogens

Partner Health Department:  Douglas County Health Department

2020–2021 Fellows

Daniel Dodson, M.D.

Daniel Dodson, M.D. (Pediatric ID), University of Colorado
LEAP Fellowship Project: Improving assessment and implementation of antibiotic stewardship: a partnership between state public health, academic medicine, and community hospitals.
Partner Health Department: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Sophie Katz, M.D.

Sophie Katz, M.D. (Pediatric ID), Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Leap Fellowship Project: Creating a Sustainable and Scalable Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention in a High-Prescribing State: Development of Provider Feedback Reports and Academic Detailing Strategies through User Centered Design.

Partner Health Department: Tennessee Department of Health

Do Young Kim, M.D.

Do Young Kim, M.D. (Adult ID), Rush University Medical Center
LEAP Fellowship Project: Checking Live Virus to Ascertain Time to Clearance of Viable Virus in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia (CLEARANCE)

Partner Health Department: Chicago Department of Public Health

Angela “Holly” Villamagna, M.D.

Angela “Holly” Villamagna, M.D. (Adult ID), Oregon Health and Science University
Leap Fellowship Project: Beyond coronavirus: establishing best practice guidance and assessing acceptability of international travel screening in Oregon acute care hospitals.

Partner Health Department: Oregon Health Authority

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