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CDC Releases New Clinical Resources on Ebola – Pediatrics/OB; Residence Cleaning

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new resources that may be of interest to ID clinicians. 

Two new journal articles may help ID specialists address questions relating to pediatrics and obstetrics, although they do not constitute formal guidance documents:

In addition, CDC has released new Interim Guidance for the U.S. Residence Decontamination for Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) and Removal of Contaminated Waste. The document provides guidance on how to decontaminate a residence and dispose of waste that could be contaminated. CDC’s recommendations list effective disinfectant products and procedures, guidance for contract companies to follow in dealing with contaminated wastes, and guidance on how to use personal protective equipment (PPE).

Other helpful Ebola-related resources include: CDC’s Ebola website

Resources for Parents, Schools, and Pediatric Healthcare Professionals

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