Guidelines for Management
AASLD Guideline for the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (PDF)
With the emergence of new information regarding the management of hepatocellular carcinoma, AASLD updated the previous 2005 guidelines to include current methods of management for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Department of Veterans Affairs Management and Treatment of Patients with Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension Review (PDF)
Recommendations to manage and treat cirrhosis and portal hypertension based on evidence in literature, including randomized clinical trials and met-analyses.
Resources offers an interactive chart to input HCV protease inhibitors, interferons and nucleoside/tide analogues to inform clinicians on drug-drug interactions.
Forum HCV Drug Resistance Slideset (ResisSS)
The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research has developed four presentations explaining drug resistance in HCV, its consequences as well as practices to minimize its impact.
Clinically Relevant HCV Drug Resistance Mutations Figure and Tables (PDF)
The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research has published a report concerning drug resistance information on direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) used to treat hepatitis C patients, concentrating on data from compounds which have entered phase 3 of clinical development or have been approved.
HCV Drug Resistance (PDF)
The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research provides educational materials on viral resistance in HCV, concerns around HCV resistance, and prevention and how to overcome resistance to antiviral drugs.
National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) Viral Hepatitis Headquarters
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's NPIN provides clinicians with current information, resources, and tools to support efforts to prevent viral hepatitis. Available are surveillance reports, podcasts, posters, brochures, hepatitis service providers look-up, and much more.
HCV Screening Letter
HCV Screening Recommendations Mailing Announcement Service Form
As a service to IDSA members who are interested in outreach to their primary care partners, the society is offering a one-time mailing announcing the USPSTF’s recent Final Recommendation on HCV screening. IDSA members can submit up to 25 primary care office addresses to receive a tailored-letter, linked below, which will promote the screening recommendation and identify the IDSA member as a provider of HCV care. The letter is intended to foster appropriate care coordination for patients diagnosed with HCV between their primary care provider and their ID physician.
REQUIREMENT: Only the excel file, linked above, is needed to be filled out to opt-in for the mailing service. Please open the document and follow the instructions.
Hepatitis C Screening Letter Template (PDF)
Informs primary care physicians of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's (USPSTF) recommendation for one-time screening of persons born from 1945-1965, CDC's Birth Cohort Hepatitis C Screening Recommendations, and the availability of infectious disease specialists to treat newly identified hepatitis C patients.
Instructions for Filling out Hepatitis C Screening Letter
If IDSA members do not wish to use the mailing service above, instructions are available for filling out the hepatitis C Screening letter for members' personal mailing.