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Research Resources

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Search and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all federal grant-making agencies 

NIH Resources for New Investigators  
Portal with helpful resources for new investigators 

American Physician Scientists Association
The American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) is a national organization dedicated to career development and community building among physician-scientists in training. Visit their site for more information.

NIAID Diversity Programs  
List of various intramural and extramural diversity programs supported by NIAID, including research supplements to previously funded grants.

NIH Loan Repayment Program  
Application for the loan repayment program is available for researchers who commit to at least two years of qualified research in the extramural or intramural program.  Qualified research includes clinical and pediatric, and NIH will pay up to $35,000 per year of student loan debt.

NIH Postdoctoral Training  
Information available on applying for postdoctoral training at NIH. 

NIAID Career and Training Portal  
Useful resource to help direct trainee researchers through the maze of programs and grants available through NIAID and NIH. Lists available careers and positions with NIAID for physicians and researchers. 

NIH Resources for New Investigators 
Portal with helpful resources for new investigators

NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education Videocasts 
Topics include poster presentations, oral presentations, and improving spoken English

Partners Infectious Disease Images website
IDSA continues to partner with colleagues at Brigham and Women’s Hospital through the fellow/student case submissions that are reviewed and selected for presentation at the Fellows Day course.  Once the course concludes, the selected cases along with others submitted for consideration, are posted on a central repository site that can be accessed at www.idimages.org and used for fellow-in-training teaching and other educational projects.  These case studies are open access and available to all. 

Collections of articles on various career topics.

Scientify Research

Open funding database that keeps information on application deadlines, requirements, etc. up-to-date.

Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty  
Based on courses held by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and HHMI, this is a collection of practical advice from seasoned investigators. A great all-around resource for academic investigators, it includes chapters on laboratory leadership, university structure, collaborations, mentoring and project management.

NIH Peer Review Revealed 
NIH Center for Scientific Review has produced a series of videos to give you an inside look at how scientists from across the country review NIH grant applications for scientific and technical merit.  Site also contains links to other NIH resources on grant review.

Entering Mentoring: A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Scientists 
Materials, including articles, case studies, and syllabus, from a seminar taught by HHMI Professor Jo Handelsman and others at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

NatureJobs Mentoring Articles and Resources

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