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What we're reading: Ebola may not be a PHEIC, but it is of international concern

Antigone Barton
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News of a health worker's death is the latest to tell us we all have stakes in the DRC Ebola outbreak - Whether officially designated or not, the largest outbreak of Ebola recorded in the country where the virus was identified is of international concern, Dr. Krutika Kuppalli writes here. Dr. Kuppalli, who served as medical director of a Sierra Leone Ebola treatment center during the 2013 - 2016 West Africa outbreak, calls for a greatly increased U.S. investment in the response to the ongoing crisis in the DRC, as well as strong support for the Global Health Security Agenda. Doctors threaten strike - Underscoring Dr. Kuppalli's call for strengthened proactive as well as responsive measures is this news from Butembo, where Cameroonian epidemiologist Dr. Richard Valery Mouzoko Kiboung was killed in an attack on a health facility last week. Demanding increased security, health workers there have said that without improved protections they will go on strike as early as next week. Rumour and violence rife as Congo Ebola outbreak surges out of control - With on-the-ground reporting this Guardian feature tells a story of unprecedented challenges confronting community members and medical responders grappling with a formidable public health and safety crisis.


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