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When will UN Security Council convene for COVID-19? The virus hunts humans -- not nationalities

Daniel R. Lucey, MD, MPH, FIDSA
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Dr. Daniel Lucey, who has responded to, and monitored information on outbreaks since 2001, has provided a series of updates and analysis on what is now the COVID-19 pandemic in Science Speaks posts first published Jan. 7. This is his 18th update on questions raised by the continued spread of, and responses to the virus that causes COVID-19.

The United Nations has posted many dozens of excellent documents and videos regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic on their UN News website  and their UN Communications Team website.

Regarding the  COVID-19 Pandemic, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated in his first virtual press conference on March 19 that “we are facing a global health crisis unlike any in the 75-year history of the United Nations”. In addition, he emphasized that “Our world is facing a common enemy. We are at war with the virus.”

The pandemic is spreading now across multiple epicenters, like viral volcanoes in a growing ring of fire, in the northern Hemisphere. At the same time we should anticipate and defend against the coming COVID-19 winter in the southern Hemisphere June-September.

As part of the immediate and sustained international response against this pandemic, convening the United Nations Security Council for COVID-19, as was done in September 2018 for the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, would be an act of wisdom and great leadership.


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