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WHO website lists nine Phase 3 vaccine candidate protocols around the world

Daniel R. Lucey, MD, MPH, FIDSA
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The World Health Organization updated its website Sept. 9 on COVID-19 vaccine candidates with a line listing of 180 different candidates including 35 in clinical trials and 145 still in pre-clinical stage.

Of the 35 vaccine candidates in clinical trials (Phase 1, 2 and/or 3), WHO has listed nine with links to their Phase 3 protocols. These nine Phase 3 vaccine protocols are listed with study sites involving countries in Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Africa. Some of these vaccine candidate Phase 3 trials currently involve one nation (e.g., USA, Russia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, UAE), while other Phase 3 protocols are multinational.

This useful Draft landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines includes separate columns for:  

Vaccine developer/manufacturer, Vaccine platform, Type of vaccine and Number of doses

The nine candidate vaccines and (vaccine platforms), in the order listed on this WHO website are:

  • University of Oxford/AstraZeneca: (Non-Replicating Viral Vector)
  • CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute of Biotechnology: (Non-Replicating Viral Vector)
  • Gamaleya Research Institute: (Non-Replicating Viral Vector)
  • Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies: (Non-Replicating Viral Vector), but ”not yet recruiting”
  • Sinovac: (Inactivated)
  • Wuhan Institute of Biological Products/Sinopharm: (Inactivated)
  • Beijing Institute of Biological Products/Sinopharm: (Inactivated)
  • Moderna/NIAID: (RNA)
  • BioNTech/Fosun Pharma/Pfizer: (RNA)

Although one of these Phase 3 vaccine candidates (University of Oxford/AstraZeneca) has been on hold (no vaccinations being given) over the past three days since Sept. 8 due to a neurological adverse event in one volunteer in the UK that is under investigation to determine whether or not it was causally related to the vaccine, multiple other Phase 3 studies are ongoing. 


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