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Wuhan coronavirus update 1/20/20: Spread of virus, including among health workers, surveillance and more

Daniel R. Lucey, MD, MPH, FIDSA
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Dr. Daniel Lucey, who has responded to, and monitored information on outbreaks since 2001, updates information on the current spread of a novel coronavirus first noted in central China's most populous city in December 2019, with a fifth update on the outbreak here. 

How many new cases has Wuhan reported in the last three days?

153 new cases have been reported from Friday, Jan. 17 through Sunday.

Is person-to-person transmission occurring? Yes.

Have infections among health workers in Wuhan been reported 

Yes, 14 infections among health workers in Wuhan were confirmed today.

Where else in China have cases been confirmed?

Cases have been confirmed in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, with suspected cases being tested in several other places in China.

What countries outside China have 1 or 2 confirmed cases?

South Korea, Japan, Thailand have each reported one or more confirmed cases. Suspected cases are being tested in other countries.

What has Wuhan done to proactively identify new cases?

The city has set up 61 “fever clinics” to accelerate identification of new cases.

Where can I find the latest US CDC guidance?

Yes -- the committee will convene Wed. Jan. 22.

Updated and useful interim guidance from our CDC is at:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/guidance-hcp.html

Additional information is available on the IDSA Wuhan coronavirus 2019 NCoV resource page 


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