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WHO designates “Lambda” as global variant of interest

Daniel R. Lucey, MD, MPH, FIDSA
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In its weekly COVID-19 epidemiology update this week the World Health Organization stated that the “Lambda” was designated a variant of interest “based upon evidence of continued emergence and suspected phenotypic implications” (boldtype below was added).

“Authorities in Peru reported that 81% of COVID-19 cases sequenced since April 2021 were associated with Lambda. Argentina reported increasing prevalence of Lambda since the third week of February 2021, and between 2 April and 19 May 2021, the variant accounted for 37% of the COVID-19 cases sequenced."

“In Chile, prevalence of Lambda has increased over time, accounting for 32% of sequenced cases reported in the last 60 days – co-circulating at similar rates to variant Gamma (33%), but outcompeting variant Alpha (4%) over the same period.”

Although further studies are required to assess whether Lambda will become a Variant of Concern e.g., if it indeed outcompetes the Gamma variant of concern that has spread across much of Brazil and neighboring nations in 2021, WHO noted:

“Lambda carries a number of mutations with suspected phenotypic implications, such as a potential increased transmissibility or possible increased resistance to neutralizing antibodies.”

Studies of the multiple vaccines in use across South America to determine the degree of protection after one and two doses against this Lambda variant are urgently needed as well as risk of reinfection.


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