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In Argentina, 9 cases of unexplained acute lung disease, including 8 health care workers, with 3 deaths

Daniel R. Lucey, MD, MPH, FIDSA
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For an evolving event in Tucuman, in northwest Argentina, local and national public health officials and the Pan American Health Organization have provided valuable updated information on their websites Aug. 30-Sept. 1:

As summarized below, the most detailed clinical and epidemiological information is on the local Ministry of Public Health of Tucuman website as of Sept. 1.

Over the past two weeks, a total of nine people, eight of whom are health care workers in one private health care facility in the city of San Miguel de Tucuman, have been recognized to have an unidentified acute disease involving not only bilateral “pneumonia” with dyspnea, but also fever, myalgia and abdominal pain.

Extensive testing for infectious disease pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, influenza, hantavirus, “some strains of Legionella” and commercial tests for 25 other pathogens have been reported to be negative. Further results at a major referral laboratory in Argentina, e.g., the National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institutes (ANLIS-MALBRAN), are still pending. Testing for noninfectious causes, including toxicological testing, is also being performed.

Three of the nine cases have died this week, one of whom was the only non-HCW, a 70-year-old woman who had gallbladder surgery at the health facility. It is not clear whether she contracted the unidentified disease in the medical facility or prior to arrival. Of note, however, her onset of illness was reported during the same time frame as the initial six cases, i.e., from Aug. 18-22.

The three additional patients (#7, #8 and #9) were all HCWs and had onset of symptoms Aug. 20-23. These cases are reported to be: “a 40-year-old pharmacy assistant and has been hospitalized a few days ago in a public hospital with a fever.” This is the person with a “non-severe bilateral pneumonia.”

The next case (#8) is reported to be “a 44-year-old nurse, she is at home, and we are following her evolution, since her clinic (status) does not warrant hospitalization.”

The most recent (ninth) case is “a 30-year-old nurse with comorbidities, who was recently admitted to hospital this morning.”

Updated information is anticipated over this weekend on these websites in Argentina and from PAHO/WHO. Recognition of the cause(s) and appropriate actions to be taken can be expected soon.


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