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IDSA’s Journal Club comes to Science Speaks

John Heys
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Since 2008, IDSA’s Journal Club has informed readers about important new infectious diseases research. These popular reviews are now coming to Science Speaks.

Each month, the club’s panelists search the medical literature for studies with a significant impact on the clinical practice of infectious diseases and discuss their selections as a group. Panelists then write brief reviews, which focus on key takeaways. The reviews are published in IDSA News, the Society’s e-newsletter for members, and on IDSA’s website.

Future Journal Club reviews will now also be available on Science Speaks, providing a more user-friendly online experience. Readers will be able to search for new reviews by author, disease or topic. (Journal Club reviews published before Sept. 1, 2023, will remain available in the online archive.) You can sign up to receive email updates about new Science Speaks posts. Journal Club reviews will continue to be highlighted in IDSA News as well.

Don’t miss Journal Club reviews on Science Speaks, starting next week!


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