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Daniel Mendoza, MD, PhD

Daniel Mendoza, MD, PhD, became interested in infectious diseases when he was a medical student at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru. He completed his internal medicine training at University of Alabama at Birmingham and pursued an infectious diseases fellowship at the National Institutes of Health, where he also conducted research in immunity to HIV infection. While working as a staff physician at the Michael E. DeBakey VA hospital in Houston, he obtained a PhD in clinical investigation from Baylor College of Medicine by studying immune responses to pneumococcal vaccines in patients with HIV. He is currently the owner of Arigend Health, a private clinical infectious disease practice, and the chair of the antimicrobial stewardship program of a hospital in the suburbs of Houston. As a member of IDSA’s Journal Club, his interest is to provide critical reviews of recent papers that can help physicians with the management of infectious diseases not only in academia but also in private practice.  


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