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Zeina Kanafani, MD, MS, CIC, FIDSA

Zeina Kanafani MD, MS, CIC, FIDSA, is an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and assistant dean for student affairs at the American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine and the hospital epidemiologist at the American University of Beirut Medical Center. Dr. Kanafani pursued her MD and residency training in internal medicine at AUB. She then pursued a master of science degree in epidemiology. In 2004, she started her fellowship in infectious diseases at Duke University Medical Center. Following completion of her training in 2007, she joined the faculty ranks at AUBMC, where her clinical and academic career is currently based. A member of IDSA’s Journal Club, Dr. Kanafani’s research interests include hospital-acquired infections, antimicrobial resistance, infections in immunocompromised patients and infective endocarditis.


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