IDSA Releases COVID-19 Diagnostic Guidelines

The Infectious Diseases Society of America has released 15 recommendations to assist clinicians, laboratory personnel and policy makers in decisions on the use of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing for people with and without symptoms of COVID-19.

IDSA, HIVMA Call for Strengthened Detention Facility Responses to COVID-19

With data showing alarmingly high rates of COVID-19 infection among people who are incarcerated, the Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association today released policy recommendations to prevent and respond to the spread of the coronavirus in detention settings.

Public Health, Medical Associations Call on Federal Authorities to Prioritize Safety in COVID-19 Policies

As leading public health and medical organizations, we represent front-line workers and experts who are witnessing the critical importance of maintaining physical distancing measures until data and resources indicate that lifting them is safe.

IDSA Releases COVID-19 Infection Prevention Guidelines for Health Care Personnel

The Infectious Diseases Society of America has released eight recommendations on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for infection prevention among health care personnel caring for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

IDSA Releases Antibody Testing Primer

IDSA has developed a COVID-19 antibody testing primer for policymakers, scientists, and clinicians to drive research and appropriate use of serologic testing. At this time, more evidence is needed before implementing and expanding these tests for clinical and public health use.

IDSA, HIVMA Recommend Criteria for Easing COVID-19 Control Efforts

IDSA and HIVMA warned today that prematurely easing social distancing measures put in place to curtail the spread of COVID-19 will risk increased infections and deaths, incapacitated health care facilities, and prolonged economic hardships.

Infectious Diseases Leaders Respond to President Trump’s Defunding of the World Health Organization

The unprecedented public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic demands a comprehensive international response. President Trump’s announcement Tuesday that he will suspend funding to the WHO is against all of our best interests.

IDSA Releases COVID-19 Treatment and Management Guidelines

An expert panel of infectious diseases clinicians, pharmacists and other specialists convened by the Infectious Diseases Society of America has released guidelines for treatment and management of patients with COVID-19.

IDSA and HIVMA Lead Call for Data-driven Responses to COVID-19

IDSA and HIVMA welcome the president's extension of his projected duration for stay-at-home and physical distancing guidelines to last at least through April based on public health guidance, while calling for continued commitment to data-driven responses to the coronavirus.

IDSA Supports FDA eIND COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Use

The Infectious Diseases Society of America commends March 24 action by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to open access through its emergency Investigational Drug Applications to treatment with COVID-19 convalescent plasma for patients suffering severe or life-threatening impacts of the disease.

IDSA/HIVMA Statement on Potential Lifting of Social Distancing Guidelines

As infectious diseases and HIV specialists and other health workers confronting the mounting challenges of COVID-19 without a vaccine, proven treatment and adequate diagnostic tools, we are troubled by President Trump’s suggestions that restrictions on gathering and travel may be lifted soon, or before an arbitrary date.

As a New Pandemic Spreads, World TB Day Reminds us of Unfinished Business

In the midst of the new global health threat posed by COVID-19, this World TB Day reminds us that global efforts to control the world’s leading infectious disease killer must be accelerated to rid us of our oldest pandemic.