Nation's Infectious Diseases Leaders Send United Message

Infectious disease and HIV physicians, healthcare epidemiologists and other medical professionals on the frontlines defending our country from COVID-19 urgently need equipment and supplies to protect themselves, identify infections, treat patients, and save lives.

CARES Act Confronts Some Essential Needs

With attention to diagnostic, treatment, health care and community needs that must be met if we are to reverse the trajectory of COVID-19 spread in the United States, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act addresses some of the most critical challenges facing our country in the weeks and months ahead.

IDSA Statement On COVID-19 Testing Recommendations

The Infectious Diseases Society of America has developed recommendations for public health and health care professionals to prioritize testing for COVID-19 during the shortage of accessible tests and the continuing spread of the virus.

IDSA and HIVMA Respond to Administration Guidelines to Control COVID-19 Spread

The Infectious Diseases Society of America and its HIV Medicine Association endorse the measures to control the spread of COVID-19 called for by the Trump administration Monday.

“Families First Coronavirus Response Act” risks limited testing

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201) represents swift action by the House of Representatives to bolster federal responses to the spread of coronavirus and aims to reduce the pandemic’s impacts on Americans’ safety and financial security.

IDSA Responds to President Trump’s Comments on COVID-19 Preparedness

As international and federal health officials have noted this week, the accelerated spread of COVID-19 calls for greatly intensified responses everywhere to the immediate threat of worldwide epidemics of the disease, and to the looming threat of a pandemic.

White House Budget Cuts Vital Public Health Programs

President Trump’s proposed fiscal year 2021 budget cuts funding for many large-scale health programs and federal agencies, potentially leaving the United States vulnerable to infectious disease outbreaks.

WHO Declares Novel Coronavirus a Global Health Emergency

Today’s declaration by the World Health Organization that the spread of a novel coronavirus constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern is a pivotal step in ensuring a coordinated and comprehensive response to the outbreak.

Comprehensive Reforms and Resources Needed to Address the Dual Opioid and ID Epidemic

The National Academy of Medicine report released Thursday, Opportunities to Improve Opioid Use Disorder and Infectious Disease Services: Integrating Responses to a Dual Epidemic,

Novel Coronavirus in U.S. Underscores Need for Comprehensive Preparedness

The first U.S. patient to be diagnosed with the novel coronavirus first reported in Wuhan, China highlights needs for expanded readiness to detect, prevent and respond to this virus and those to come, at home and abroad.

Ten Additional Members Inducted to 2019 FIDSA Awardee List

The IDSA Board of Directors has added ten members to those receiving the Fellow of IDSA Designation. FIDSA is the ID profession’s highest honor given to those who demonstrate excellence and leadership in the field. See the full list of 2019 FIDSA designees.

CORRECTION: Antibiotic Company Starts Bankruptcy Proceedings; Highlights Urgent Need for Investment in Infection Fighting Drugs

The bankruptcy filing announced today by antibiotic maker Melinta once again highlights the daunting challenges facing research and development of new infection-fighting drugs.